The idea of forming this Association was mooted by a few former officers and serving officers of the 1st Kuala Lumpur Company spearheaded by Mr. Michael Yei, currently the President of Stedfast Kuala Lumpur. The others were Mr. Tung Kam Seng, Mr. Andy Chan, Mr. Henry Hong, Mr. Low ChingCheong and Mr. Cheong Sing Yuen. The initial task of this group was the preparation of a draft Constitution and the soft launch of the Association.
When the draft constitution was ready, the soft launch of the Stedfast Association of Kuala Lumpur was held on 16th April, 1994 at Menara Wesley. More than fifty former members and serving officers were present which was officiated by Bishop Emeritus Datuk Dr. Denis. C. Dutton. In his speech, he thanked the Organising Group in its effort of starting the Association and believed strongly in the work of the Boys’ Brigade and how the movement has affected the lives of thousands of Boys who have joined the Boys’ Brigade at one time or other. He was confident that with the formation of the Association, more could be accomplished in furthering the object of the Boys’ Brigade.
At the soft launch, a Pro-tem Committee was elected and held its first meeting on April 22nd, 1994. The main task of this Committee was to submit the Constitution to the Registrar of Societies for approval which was duly submitted on 18th July, 1994. Then, on 9th October, 1995 our Persatuan Stedfast Kuala Lumpur was finally approved by the Registrar of Societies.